Monday, August 29, 2005

Education Debates

Dan and I have decided to take our debate to the blog-o-sphere! Check out to see Dan and I match wits in an attempt to grind out a workable philosophy of education. Dan and I plan on taking turns posting and responding to the what the other has to say. Feel free participate by commenting on our posts. There is a good chance that much of my writing will be showing up on that blog for the next little while so things may get even more sparse around here. Who knows, though, I may be able to continue my sporadic and infrequent postings as if nothing had changed. Anyway, hope you enjoy our discussion; I'm sure there will be plenty of food for thought.

(Oh, and in case you are ever wondering, Dan and I are VERY good friends. We don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things but I have a deep respect for the faith of this man. Don't ever confuse our aggressive debate for personal attacks. Truth be told, we both enjoy a good argument for the challenge of expanding our understanding and skills.)

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