Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Big Day

My absence here for the past few weeks has a legitimate excuse this time (unlike many other multi-week breaks): my wife and I are closing on a house tomorrow morning.

The process has been very quick by nearly every standard. We will have gone from deciding to look for a house to buy to actually owning one in nearly exactly four weeks time. Two of those weeks have been between having an accepted offer on the house and inking the paperwork tomorrow. We've spent hours looking, inspecting, doing paperwork, arranging financing, and lately, packing.

The house we are purchasing we toured our first night of visits with the realtor; it was the ninth of ten we planned to visit that night. Our realtor is a former home-builder and he was impressed with it (as were we) so we decided to go back the next day to get a better look at it in the daylight. By the end of that visit, we decided to put an offer on the house and found out that evening our offer had been accepted.

The next few weeks were spent working out the details of financing, having the official home inspection done, and getting all the ducks in a row. There have been a few stressful moments, the most recent of which involved trying to get a check to clear quickly so that the necessary funds could be in the correct account, but it looks like all the detail-work is done.

We are thankful that God has provided a house for us and thankful that we are able to afford it. Now we are going to be praying that we are good stewards of the gift we have been given and don't let our lives fixate on home improvement. We want our house to be a tool to bless others and not the penultimate obsession in our lives.

Anyway, as of tomorrow, our little slice of the earth can be found right here. We'll post some pictures and maybe even some video of the new digs.

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