Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Chinese Playgroups

One of the problems with the one-child policy in China is the ease at which that one child can become the center of the family's existence. With no siblings to compete for attention and resources, it is easy to see how a child could grow up not understanding that the world does not revolve around him or her. I was impressed to learn that many parents have developed at least one specific way to combat this: playgroups.

Every afternoon after school classes get out, a group of children gather in the apartment complex courtyard and bring a toy out to play. The goal is to provide socialization where each child is not the center of the interaction. In effect, the children all grow into a much larger family for a few hours and must learn together about things like sharing, playing nice with others, and learning how to relate in a positive way to their peers.

I think this is a great idea and am VERY impressed with whoever came up with it. I hope it will be able to serve its purpose well and that this generation of children will have some balance to their lives.

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