Friday, April 08, 2011

Season Change

I just turned off the gas to our furnace and turned on our the fan to cool the house off this morning. I think its officially the start of the warm season.

I didn't quite get the timing right this year with the amount of kerosene that I bought for our indoor heater: there's about half a gallon left in the tank of the heater. I guess I'm just going to have to burn it off outside; I doubt the house will be cold enough in the next month or two to justify using it.

This "shoulder" period between winter and summer (I hear some people call it "spring") is the best few weeks to live in Wichita. The highs during the day are not astronomical and the lows at night are cool enough to feel a tiny bit chilly. The trees are starting to bloom, grass everywhere is getting green, and I don' need to bundle up to walk the dogs in the morning.

This is much different than summer here, which is oppressively hot and humid. Nobody wants to be outside and its hard to image how people lived here without air conditioners. The overnight lows are often 80'F; it just never cools off. Being in the city probably doesn't help; maybe outside of town where the wind and blow more to cool things off would help.

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