Friday, July 22, 2011

Impression Planting

A friend of mine pointed me towards this video on Youtube of an impressionist doing a speech from Shakespeare in a variety of characters. The video is below but here is my challenge to you: close your eyes, listen to the audio, and see how many of the famous characters you can identify. Once your done, go back and watch the video (where the names of each character are given) and see how you did.

Here's my theory: the impressionist, though highly skilled, is relying on your existing knowledge of the characters to fill out his impression and make it seem more realistic. When you don't know who you're supposed to be thinking of, the impression is not as strong and it is harder to know who he is impersonating. This is not to detract from his incredible performance, just wondering how much of the impression we as audience members are providing ourselves.

Anyway, take the test and let me know which ones you got before looking at the answer key. My wife got three on her own.

1 comment:

  1. I only got two right, but I think if I could have watched him without the names appearing, I would have gotten more. Some of them I recognized, but didn't have enough think time before we were on to the next.
