Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Vacation in Vancouver BC and Portland

Here are some photos from my recent trip to the Pacific Northwest.  The first week or so was spent up in Vancouver BC where I attended a conference and my wife saw the sights.  Our hotel was in downtown Vancouver and the living felt very urban.  Lots of people on the sidewalks at all hours, lots of bicycles, buses, cars, and pedestrians. We saw more pet dogs than children and it definitely seemed a place for yuppies to thrive.

Here's the view from our hotel window:
More than any other city I've visited (including Portland, OR) downtown Vancouver accommodated bicycles.  Note the dedicated lanes and bicycle parking in the median.  My wife rode all over downtown on a rented bike, something she won't do here in Wichita.

Downtown is largely surrounded by a harbor including a seaplane terminal.  I'm guessing this is where some of those vehicles go for fuel, the floating Chevron station.

A fair number of the buses downtown were powered by electricity from these overhead lines.  There were points on some of the routes where the drivers had to get out to switch lines so the bus could continue on its route.  

The Olympic "cauldron" from hosted 2010 Winter Olympics.

The city is very environmentally-oriented which includes growing a lawn on the convention center roof.  

I did not appreciate how major a shipping terminal the city was until I saw this.  Many, many freighters were in the harbor the entire time we were there.

More of downtown from the harbor.  The skyline was full of skyscrapers.  Particularly on the west end of downtown, virtually all of the buildings were over 30 stories tall.  As I said, very urban.

This is art.  There was a sign saying so.  It also said not to touch the art so we didn't.

My wife wanted to go hiking near waterfalls and I knew just the spot.  It had been many years since I had been down to Silver Falls State Park not too far from Portland.  Six miles, 8 waterfalls, good times.

I don't know what happened to this tree but it is clear it hit the ground violently.  I have never seen a trunk this large shattered like this.

Also in the odd-sightings category, a burned-out tree with only the bark remaining?  Maybe?

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