Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cranberry Sauce Reminder

Its Thanksgiving week here in the US and that means its time for cranberry sauce.  As I've previously written, making your own cranberry sauce is easy. As a public service, I will reiterate the (extremely forgiving) recipe here:

  1. Collect the following ingredients
    • One bag fresh cranberries (12oz)
    • One cup sugar
    • One cup water
  2. Combine ingredients in saucepan, heating over medium until cranberries have burst.
  3. Allow to cool (if you can wait that long).
The process doesn't take that long and it makes a perfect task for little kitchen helpers or other helpers who tend to be less helpful in the kitchen.

Try it out. You won't regret it.


  1. So, do you make the cranberry sauce in your house?

  2. Of course! Made four quarts this year, freezing most of these for use in delicious cranberry ice cream. Oddly, most of my cranberry sauce gets used in the summer.
