Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hiatus Thoughts

OK, I have a confession to make. In my post that ended my month-long hiatus I said

"I haven't had much time to think about many other things, much less post the thoughts."

Well, this is only partially true. Thought I didn't have time to post the thoughts I have had several topics of interest that have eaten up a good chunk of my time and in the interest of full disclosure and keeping the lines of communication open with all of you, here they are:

Sleeping and dreaming are simply and utterly fascinating to me. I've had a long-time interest in doing some research into these and have finally decided to jump in and just see what kind of credible information is out there. I've had a few very fun and interesting lucid dreams (dreams where you know you are dreaming and subsequently take control of the dream) and have a keen cat-napping ability that may not actually be doing me much good sleep-wise. We'll see what my investigation turns up.

LDS Church (Mormonism)
For me, this a a topic of perennial interest. I've already done quite a bit of research during my high school year and time in Boise and, despite the fact that the Mormon presence in Wichita is relatively small, it is still something I enjoy trying to understand. There are mountains and mountains of papers, articles, journals, and transcripts to read through here; I don't know if I'll ever be done exploring this field.

Wireless Networks
With Katie living just thirty feet away from me now, we've decided to save some money by shipping my higher-speed connection over to her unit via a wireless connection. I've done some reading on wireless network architecture and security but now having a working understanding of these is more than an academic endeavor. To be honest, dipping my feet into the hacker community has been quite an eye-opener and more than a little enticing. No, I don't plan on joining the "Matrix"-like underworld (Seriously, me in goth? I don't think so.) but moving to a wireless network definitely increase the possibility of trouble and I want to be aware, informed, and prepared. As long as the the guy upstairs continues to leave his connection wide-open, though, I don't think I have very much to worry about.

In another month or so I bet I'll be on to other topics but for now, that's what's rattling around in my brain.

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