Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Two Wheels Or Four?

I'm thinking about selling my nice little '96 Honda Civic and using a motorbike for transportation instead. What do you think? Here are the pros and cons I can think of regarding this decision:

-Chick(s) dig(s) it.
-Better fuel economy.
-I'm hardly ever hauling more than myself when I drive right now.
-Insurance is MUCH cheaper.

-Driving in a safe manner takes more intentionality than a car.
-Hauling any kind of cargo (groceries, etc.) can be tricky (but not impossible).
-Probably won't be able to offer rides anytime soon.

-Riding in bad weather. I already do this on my bicycle and feel the transition to motorbike won't be horribly difficult. This will be my year-round transportation just like my bicycle is.
-Start-up cost of bike and gear. Sale of my car will pretty handily cover this. I'll probably make money on the deal even if I buy really expensive (read "quality") safety gear.

Any I missed? Discuss.


  1. Trev,

    So, short on cash? Thinkin' of joining the scooteratsi? Its a dead end.

    Anonymous M

  2. t-hjard,

    Think about it, DUDE! Buy groceries with chic(lets) and end up at Wal-Mart. Freakin' *$&%# Wal-Mart. Lookin' at you, bro, from a distance, UH-OoH-OoH.

  3. is katie going to drive her car on all your dates... what if you want to surprise her by bringing a picnic dinner to her work? or breakfast in bed? or a vase of flowers? she might dig it but will kill romance?

  4. what about buying a bike AND keeping your car... total insurance cost wouldn't go up much... and your car insurance would probably go down b/c you'll only drive it less than 5000 miles a year (at least my car insurance takes yearly mileage into consideration). Adding a second vehicle to your insurance usually isn't that much more expensive. Then you'll be saving lots on gas, probably be paying just about the same or maybe just a little more for insurance. Granted, the initial cost of the bike will be out-of-pocket, but maybe you could do one of those cost analysis things like we learned in Project Engineering or whatever that dumb class was (you know, wasting time 202). Thems my thoughts, for what they're worth. See how much money (b/c of gas expenses) you could save over time riding a motorcycle 80% of the time and see if it's worth it.

  5. Trev-

    Why don't you get a bike with two seats, then you can really be big pimpin' wit KT. Wurrrrd!! I hear the Suzuki SV650 is the bike to have for a first bike...kinda sporty but not aggressive. Um, yeah, expensive safety gear is the way to go...gloves, jacket, helmet, boots...look at www.motorcyclistonline.com and find their helmet review. Very insightful. They may have other gear review resources as well. Oh, this just occurred to me- are you talking scooter or motorcycle? Anyway, you don't have to have a motorcycle endorsement if you go 50cc or smaller. Still, they can't really be on the freeway either...Brian Burkhardt would be a good resource for scooter/motorcycle info, too, I believe. Good luck! Sorry I haven't posted lately, I lost your URL and just got it from Caroline. Anyway, I'm leaving in a half hour for downriver. Pray for us all to grow and be unified!

  6. blog, blog, blog...where are your latest writing pieces?! Is there a woman occupying your time in life. Shegz (pronouced Sh e S)
    I'm done...
