Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sunday Night

This past Sunday night was an incredibly wonderful time for me. After helping out with youth group (not necessarily fantastic but it has been a lot worse) I headed over to a prayer meeting for our church's members who were overseas. The meeting started at 7pm and I didn't make it until 7:45 or so.

I don't know why, but I think showing up late put me in a frame of mind where I felt I was coming in after-the-fact, trying to catch-up and seeking to integrate with others. They had started down the path of worship and were well on the way towards getting their hearts in the right spot; I was going to have to be intentional and focussed if I was going to get in-step with them.

Maybe it was the setting of a simple, small gathering. Perhaps it was our unified and clearly defined purpose of praying for the parts of our body that were overseas. I honestly don't know but in only a few minutes I felt that this was going to be a encouraging evening for me, one that I had not experienced in such a way: I was feeling a growing sense of connection with the body of Christ here in the living room.

My time here in Wichita has been like my move to Boise in some ways (and very different in others). One of the most difficult struggles for me in any move is making new friends and it always takes a long time for me to feel like I am connected and a part of the lives of others. Well, not always. Both in college and eventually in Boise God has provided a significant friend who, after interacting for just a few minutes I knew would be somebody with whom I was going to have a significant bond. It is much more usual, though, for me to struggle forming new friendships and this lack of close relationships to be a discouraging and difficult long-term part of my transition.

Within a few minutes of showing up and joining in the singing, though, I knew this evening would be different. In a sense, it felt like finding that significant friend, but having that person be a people. This was the body of Christ, gathered here in praise and united with a common desire to support our friends throughout the world as best we could . Maybe it was realizing my concern and personal responsibility I felt for a specific couple that had recently left River to go overseas was being actively affirmed and echoed by this group. Maybe seeing and hearing the prayers of our people for these two people I dearly love and who need our support demonstrated in a tangible way that I was not alone and had a team in this. This group cared too, and in that we had a true heart-bond. I knew most of those who had gathered decently enough and some I knew fairly well. It didn't take long to realize these were my brothers and sisters.

I was so encouraged and energized. I wanted to go around the room and meet those I didn't know at all. I wanted to express thanks to the young lady who set this up and provided this opportunity. I felt empowered and living by the Spirit; for a brief period of time I was a part of the Body of Christ in a tangibly-realized way.

How I long to make such a connection a regular part of my life. May God do His will with me and make this a reality.

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