Tuesday, February 28, 2006

t + 12 days

Its been twelve days since my epidural steroid injection and the burning question on everybody's minds:  Is the pain gone?

Sadly, no, not completely.  It is greatly reduced, though, and this is great news!  Case in point, I am able to sit here and type without any significant pain. In fact, sitting down tends to be more comfortable than standing.   I've been off pain-killers of any sort for ten days now and am hoping I can keep it that way.   Things are usually still a bit uncomfortable at the end of the day and I try to spend that time laying down and reading if I can. I would guess this is the most pain free I have been since the injury; praise God!

That said, I'm still not able to bike or really have much of an active life. I can now walk at a normal pace and get up and down stairs easily enough but that's it right now.  I'm still looking into getting another shot or two to see if that plus physical therpay can get us all the way there. IDD therapy is also a possibility but I'll only do that after the shot don't work AND I can figure out this insurance stuff.  The other good news is that lately the pain has been more in my lower back rather than in my leg.  This movement of the pain is a result the physical therapists have been hoping to see for a while.  Apparently, when the pain moves to the point of injury, it is a very good sign that things are healing up.  I'm continuing to do physical therapy regularly and am hoping and praying that this will heal on its own without much more hassle.  

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